中新国际音乐比赛的设立初衷是为全球的音乐家、表演者在美丽的狮城搭建一座艺术的桥梁,以推动艺术教育方式改变为核心,立志创办成最具专业性、规模性的国际音乐比赛之一。创始人夏罡(中国)、奥列格.夏洛夫(俄罗斯)、黄金顺(新加坡)均为教育界人士,比赛创立初期得到过新加坡国家艺术理事会的大力支持,新加坡国际教育协会副会长、原国际储备贷款银行总裁、原华盛顿/中新教育集团董事长黄金顺(Ng.Kimsoon)先生更亲自担任三届比赛组委会主席。比赛着眼于选手的教育经历和教育出口,提出“艺术经历塑造人生高度”的素质教育理念,服务全球选手。The mission of the Zhongsin International Music Competition is to build a bridge for art in “The City of the Lion”, and act as a platform where musicians and performers from all corners of the world may gather. We advocate and promote a change in the way art is being taught, and we are dedicated to becoming the most professional, as well as the largest international music competition. Our founders Xia Gang (China), Oleg Sharov (Russia) and Ng.Kimsoon (Singapore) all work in the field of education, and from the early stages, we have received strong support from the National Arts Council of Singapore, and Mr. Ng.Kimsoon, Vice President of the Singapore Institute for International Education, former President of the Singapore International Reserve Bank and Chairman of the Singapore - Washington Zhongsin Education Group, has personally served three times as chairman of the Zhongsin Competition Committee. The competition focuses on the competitors' education experience and education export, and proposes the quality education concept of "art experience shapes the height of life" to serve the competitors worldwide.